Health Office Policies and Forms
Health Policies
The full text of EMKS's Health Policies ("Health" section of the Student & Family Handbook, pages 64-71) and Wellness Policy are linked on the School Handbooks page.
Medications at School
To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, we ask that medication (both prescription and over-the-counter) be administered at home whenever possible. If a student requires medication during the school day, they must visit the school nurse. For prescription medications, a completed authorization form must be submitted to the nurse’s office. For emergency medications like epi-pens and inhalers, paperwork can be completed that grants permission for your student to carry these items with them during the day.
If a student is found to have medication with them during the day without this paperwork on file, the medication will be taken from the student and brought to the health office. The nurse will then determine the appropriate course of action (either returning the medication at the end of the day, contacting the family, or another action).
Please print, sign and return the forms below to authorize your student to take medication at school. Printed copies can be picked up in the front office or sent home with your student. Forms can be returned to the front office or [email protected].