Special Education Resources
The Ewing Marion Kauffman School dedicates themselves to working with families and teachers to provide individualized services to meet all students’ needs, while holding them to high academic and behavioral standards and believing that all students, regardless of ability status, can meet their goals, and go to and through college. The EMKS Special Education Department provides specialized instruction for grades 5-12 in all academic areas through our Learning Support Specialists, who are highly qualified Special Education Teachers. We maintain compliance of services for any student with a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). If a student transfers into the Kauffman school and currently has an IEP or 504, at the beginning of the year you will receive a phone call from the Learning Support Specialist. This individual will likely be your student’s case-manager and point person for all things related to their academic support. EMKS provides related services through highly qualified contracted service providers (Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, etc.). EMKS provides evaluations and assessments for initial and triennial Special Education Evaluations. These are completed at school, and follow the timeline outlined by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education office of Special Education State Standards and Indicators.
Additional Resources:
- Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: Department of Special Education
- Missouri State Plan for Special Education
- Procedural Safeguards Notice (English)
- Procedural Safeguards Notice (Spanish)
Kauffman School Point of Contact:
Jules Fox
Director of Special Education
[email protected]